Samurai_Shark Samurai Shark blade, scissor and knife sharpener - Kitchen
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Samurai_Shark    Samurai Shark blade, scissor and knife sharpener

Now you can sharpen just about anything in your house quickly, easily and safely with the Samurai Shark – the only sharpening tool you’ll ever use again!

Price: $4.99 / Each


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Sharpen any cutting tool like new with Samurai Shark. Safe, quick and easy, Samurai Shark sharpening tool comes with two blade for straignt blades and serrated blades. Sharpen carving knives, scissors, garden shears, steak knives, hedge cuters, cleavers, lawn mower blades, and more.


The V-slots at the end of the sharpener are where regular cleavers and knives get sharpened. Opposite the V-slots, retract and use to sharpen serrated tools.


No job is too big for Samurai Shark. You can sharpen blades from large, heavy-duty tools, too. The tough tungsten carbide sharpener works on shears, hedge cutters,and lawnmower blades.


Anyone can handle Samurai Shark. Whether right or left-handed, you can safely wield this sharpening tool with its ergonomic grip.


In order to sharpen something, simply run the cutting blade on Samurai Shark. The tungsten carbide Samurai Shark does the job in a few strokes. Steady Samurai Shark on a flat surface. Then sharpen the cutting blande by running it down the Shark several times. The Samurai Shark will sharpen both sides of the blade at once.


The Samurai Shark will make a dull cutting tools good as new. Don't chuck out those old scissors just yet. In a matter of seconds, the Samurai Shark sharpener transforms dull edges into razor-sharp cutting blades. For scissors, just run one side of the sharpener over the blade.