Garlic_Pro GARLIC PRO Dicer and Peeler Set - Kitchen
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Garlic_Pro    GARLIC PRO Dicer and Peeler Set

The GARLIC PRO Dicer and Peeler Set lets you add your favorite fresh & healthy flavor to food without all the tedious peeling, chopping, mincing and hand-scrubbing. The silicone peeler lets you roll the peels away, and the amazing dicer chops up to 4 cloves at once & all that great garlic flavor goes into your food, not on your fingers or cutting board!

Price: $7.99 / Each


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GARLIC PRO Dicer and Peeler Set Includes:

Complete garlic set - everything you need to peel and dice garlic with amazing speed


Garlic Pro dicer:

- measures approx. 3-1/4" in diameter x 3"H

- is made of plastic with stainless steel blades

- inter-lacing stainless steel blades dice the garlic evenly with ease

- also dices shallots, jalapenos, herbs, nuts and other firm fruits and vegetables

- dishwasher safe (top shelf) - amazingly easy clean-up