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Cool_Bandanas    Cool Bandanas Personal Cooling Product

Cool Bandanas is a personal cooling product that will pull the heat out of your system, cool your body off, and make your body and mind work more efficiently....and help keep you cool. 

Price: $3.99 / Each


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·             Great for heat related health problems like M.S. (Multiple Sclerosis) , heart problems, and hot flashes

·             Helps reduce Heat Stress in the workplace, Construction sites, Rigs, in sports, cycling, hiking, etc.

·             Outdoor sun protection for occupations that involve stress, including Swat teams, Fire-fighters Hot workplaces like warehouses, factories, construction, landscaping. Search and Rescue.

·             Pulls the heat out of your body all day long.

·             Ever Cool Cooling Bandannas will help keep you cool in the hottest of weather at work or play.

·             The bandanas have special polymer beads that are sewn into them,

·             And when soaked in water for 15-20 minutes the polymer absorbs the water and expands to over 100 times their original size.

·             Worn around the neck or forehead, the Cool Bandana continually pulls the heat out of your bloodstream as it rushes past the veins in your neck. The coolness circulates throughout your whole body and can keep your body temperature at a comfortable level all day long. You literally get cooled from the inside out!