USB_Fridge Novelty USB Micro fridge for beverage - Gadgets
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USB_Fridge    Novelty USB Micro fridge for beverage

With the USB Mini Fridge, you can keep a cool beverage ready to drink at all times! It holds a single 12 ounce can, which is illuminated from the blue LED inside the fridge. A built-in cooling plate quickly drops to its lowest operating temperature within five minutes after being plugged in. The USB Mini Fridge can be used in your cubicle, home office, bedroom or garage! It works with any computer operating system and does not require batteries. Simply plug the USB port in, insert your canned drink and enjoy!

Price: $28.99 / Each


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Powered entirely via your computers USB port Internal blue LED illumination

Keeps one 12 oz can of beverage chilly cold

Works with Macs and PCs

No batteries required

Replicates an old time refrigerator

Ideal for cubicle, home office, bedroom or garage use

Perfect gift for any techy, programmer or gamer