USB_Lighter Environmental Unique Flameless Cigarette Lighter - Gadgets
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USB_Lighter    Environmental Unique Flameless Cigarette Lighter

This lighter is a great accessory to have. It requires nothing more than a USB slot to charge. It is safe to use without the fear of fire getting out of hand or burns to the fingers. It has a compact design and features a switch to let you slide out either the USB charger or the lighter side.

Price: $5.99 / Each


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Innovation and Environmental Protection Electronic Cigarette Lighter.

No Gas/Fuel Is Required.

Product Dimensions: 8 * 2.7 * 1.5cm

Battery: 350 mAh Li-ion battery

Voltage: DC 5V

Charging 2 hours, can be used 200-300 times

Packing: Blister card packaging

Material: Plastic